JUMP TOAccelPayauthenticationGenerate an authorization tokenpostRefresh an authorization tokengetretailersSync inventory for a retailerpostRetrieve a retailer recordgetUpdate a retailer recordputbrandsRetrieve a brand recordgetcheckoutRetrieve DiscountsgetGenerate a draft sale record and estimated pricinggetRetrieve shipping options for a determined retailergetCreate a new payment recordpostCreate new sale recordpostproductsRetrieve multiple listing recordsgetCreate a listing recordpostRetrieve a specific listing recordgetUpdate a listing recordputCreate a variant record attached to a listingpostRetrieve multiple variant recordsgetRetrieve a specific variantgetUpdate a variant recordputCheck availability of variantsgetwebhooksCreate New WebhookpostUpdate WebhookputfulfillmentRetrieve all fulfillment records for a salegetCreate a new fulfillment record for a salepostsalesRetrieve sales for a particular retailergetRetrieve a specific sale record for a retailergetCreate a sale record outside of the normal checkout flowpostPowered by Retrieve all fulfillment records for a saleget https://stage.accelpay.io/sales/{saleId}/fulfillments